A quick weekend escape to Sydney and the Archibald Prize

This weekend just gone seen Mic and I in Sydney for an extra-long weekend. We haven’t had a little getaway for quite a while now, so this was well needed with all the renovations we have been doing. We got to spend time with our dear friends, Gav and Jen while we were there. The first day was us all on Sydney Harbour, which was brilliant as I have never been on the Harbour except in a public ferry to get to the Zoo or over to Manly. We wandered in out of the Bays and Coves, stopping for lunch in Darling Harbour then off again making our way across to Watsons Bay for a coffee stop, then back again. I took way too many photos!

The next day was all about shopping – mainly Ikea as I needed some pieces for the studio, and a look at Costco as I have never been to one before. That was eye opening!

The last day before we headed home was a visit to the Art Gallery of NSW to see The Archibald, Wynne and Sulman Prize’s in the flesh. There were some utterly amazing pieces and again, way too many photos! Honestly, I could have spent the whole day here. I was in my element, but I must admit, I felt like I didn’t belong walking about with all of the “arty types” (I know I do belong there, but I still struggle to see it some days). It’s funny when you are standing, looking at art in a gallery and straight away you feel inspired …and you also compare yourself/talent/works – which you shouldn’t do, but I think it is in every creative to do so. It’s how you push to make yourself better.

I had some favourites including these ones above. At the end of the exhibition, you have the opportunity to vote for the People’s Choice Award, and I voted for Tsering Hannaford’s “Meditation on seeing (a portrait of my dad)”. I loved everything about this piece, so it got my vote. We also walked through the gallery and again, too many photos, to look at some of the older and newer artworks. It was lovely to see a few Brett Whiteley pieces and works by Sidney Nolan, both iconic Australian Artists (see the last two photos bottom right corner above).

We also did some other things with our friends, and then it was time to head back home. Such a lovely trip away. We both feel very well rested afterwards, and that means I am chomping at the bit to get back into the studio!

~Ness x



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